bnkis na Makus qani ga, maki squ rhiyal nyux ta ki'an qani, wal si pspung squ pphpah na lapaw qu pcyagan nya, blaq balay qu qinmahan nya, spgluw nya squ kawas smqqas squ bnkis pincywagan nya, mqas mblaq balay mqyanux squ rhiyal qani, s'agal nha lalu nya mha: Smangus, smi inlungan squ rhiyal qani giwan sin'inu squ hya.
One of our ancestors, whose name was Makus, came to the place where we live nowadays. He led people to work hard. He told people to start sowing right at the time when cherry blossomed, to learn the lessons from our ancestors, and to follow a schedule according to the change of seasons. We received prosperous harvest year after year. People lived in peace and worked happily on this land. Therefore, we call this place “Smangus,” representing how people miss our ancestor Makus.